A emerging trend im interested in
Anime is considered to be a emerging trend and i do watch anime i particularly like one that is named "The seven deadly sins".
The Seven Deadly Sins are a band of knights in the land of Britannia who disbanded ten years earlier before the holy war. the Holy Knights who sequestered them then took control in the wake of a rebellion they organized. Liones' third princess Elizabeth Liones finds the Seven Deadly Sins' leader Meliodas before they search out his comrades so they can clear their names and liberate Liones from the Holy Knights, who were manipulated by a demon named Fraudrin in unsealing the Demon Race from their prison. As the Sins fight against the Ten Commandments led by meliodas's brother,Zeldris,meliodas is revealed to be the Demon King's cursed son whose destiny is to watch his wife die infinitely until he breaks his curse of immortality.I also like Jojos bizzare adventures